For John: It is us taking actions compounded by countless initiatives to support the most vulnerable in our society. We work with small and large organizations. Collaborating with both small and large organizations allow us a diverse range of resources and expertise to be brought together. Small organizations often have a deep understanding of the local communities we serve, and large organizations can provide us with the necessary funding and infrastructure. Collaborating with small organizations brings the benefit of their deep understanding of the local communities we serve. We have established relationships and first-hand knowledge of the specific challenges and needs of the vulnerable individuals we aim to support. This allows us to tailor our initiatives and interventions more effectively, ensuring that our efforts have a meaningful and lasting impact. Our partnership creates a powerful synergy that maximizes the impact of initiatives and ensures comprehensive support for the most vulnerable in society. Thank you for supporting all we do. Please contact us for further information.

To my big bro: I've been adoring you since I was a child, and for me, the day you left was the saddest day; life has never been the same, but the memories we shared have filled my heart with happiness, joy, and your comforting love. I think of you every second of the day. 

  826DC students!

After-School Writing Lab students wrote what might be 826DC's largest chapbook ever, coming in at around 30,000 words! This thing is huge, so we've made it available as a digital download.

You can get it here for free! 

   Click here

After-School Writing Lab is a group of young writers and mentors that gather after school at the 826DC writing center. Lots of help with homework, writing fun, and maybe a little game time and always surprises like creating fortunes, lots of hocus- pocus going on…